Supercross is one of my favorite sports, and next weekend is the time when the tour makes its stop in Atlanta. Supercross is a form of motocross racing that is held indoors and it is awesome to watch. The main reason I got my camera was to do motocross photography and then my broader interest came about in photography. My first chance to really try my camera out was at this event last year, and it was a rude awakening to action photography. All of my shots from the pits of the bikes and riders turned out pretty good, while they were sitting still. Once we got into the Georgia Dome it was a different story. I didn't know how to properly use my equipment without getting an awfully blurry shot. So I went home with a lot of still shots from the pits, not that it was a bad thing, just not what I had expected. After some research and talking with a lot of professional motocross photographers, I asked for a 70-200 f/2.8 lens for my birthday which is in March. Supposedly it's the best all-around lens for shooting motocross. I ended up getting it for my birthday, and they were right, I started getting clear shots that I was very happy with. So now I have another birthday coming up and am wanting an external flash and a fisheye lens to expand my collection. I was hoping to have these items a little before my birthday so that I could use them at supercross this year, but it's not looking like that's going to happen. I guess I'll just have to make due with what I have, and hopefully I will come back with some great shots to use for my second project. That is if they will let me in the stadium with a big lens on my camera. Who knows?

Atlanta Supercross 2011
Taken with my new lens in Summer 2011
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